Make Something Sunday: Easy Wooden Cake Stand

Make Something Sunday: Easy Wooden Cake Stand

Thank you for stopping by Make Something Sunday, where we post a new craft every Sunday from our favorite DIY bloggers! We want to inspire you to create at home with simple and fun crafts. Let's get started! 

This week we are featuring a craft from Deborah of Pure Sweet Joy. Deborah is from South Africa, and incorporates creativity in every part of her life! Today we will be making Deborah's Wooden Cake StandThis DIY cake stand is so easy and really only needs about 10 minutes of your time, plus a little extra for the paint to dry. To complete this craft you will need a flat-bottomed plate, a pine bun foot, strong adhesive (we like E6000), making tape, paint, and a sponge or paintbrush. A pine bun foot is a flattened sphere used as a foot for furniture. You can find them online or at any hardware store. There are only two steps to make this cake stand. Start off by wrapping your masking tape around the bun foot. Paint below the masking tape, and allow to dry. Once the paint has dried, simply glue the bun foot onto the underside of the plate. 

You could paint the bun foot as elaborately or as simple as you’d like, or even just leave it as plain wood. Get creative, there are so many options! We love the idea of finding a handmade ceramic flat-bottomed plate. There are lots of beautiful options on Etsy! 

We would love to see your take on this craft! Tag us on social media with the handles below and #makesomethingsunday and we’ll send you a code for $5 off at the shop (one per person)! Happy crafting and don’t forget to come back next Sunday for our next craft or sign up for our Make Something Sundays email list and we’ll send you an email every time we post a new craft!

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