Welcome back to Make Something Sunday, our new DIY blog series! We are posting a new DIY craft every Sunday to inspire you create at home, featuring simple and modern crafts from some of our favorite DIY bloggers. Lets get started on our craft of the week!
This week we are featuring a craft from Molly of Almost Makes Perfect. Molly is from LA and has a very relaxed attitude toward crafting. Her crafts are incredibly easy and beautiful with a minimalist sensibility. Today we are making Molly's Half Moon Magnets.
The look of these magnets is clean and sophisticated, perfect for displaying your grocery list and a pic of your gal pals from the that crazy bachelorette weekend. You only need 3 materials and one tool to create these magnets: craft wood discs, magnets, super glue, and an xacto knife. Craft wood discs can be found at any local craft store.
We love Molly's look of raw wood for the magnets, but also think it would be fun to paint the cut wood discs in different colors. All purpose acrylic paint would work well for this craft. Be sure to let your paint dry completely before gluing on your magnet. Painting the cut wood discs in different tones of gray would be a great minimalist look, or use a bright teal and flick the paintbrush over the wood for a fun, splatter effect (watch out, it's messy!). Get creative!
We would love to see your take on this craft! Tag us on social media with the handles below and #makesomethingsunday and we’ll send you a code for $5 off at the shop (one per person)! Happy crafting and don’t forget to come back next Sunday for our next craft or sign up for our Make Something Sundays email list and we’ll send you an email every time we post a new craft!
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