Happy New Year! Welcome back to Make Something Sunday, where we post a new craft every week from our favorite DIY bloggers. Let's get started!
Today we are featuring a classic New Year craft from Jelica of A Pretty Fix. Jelica loves to create and decorate! January is a great time to re-evaluate your goals and set your intentions for the new year ahead. Today we will be following Jelica's instructions for How To Make A Vision Board. If you are unfamiliar, a vision board (or dream board) is a collage of images and affirmations reflecting your goals. Its used as a tool for inspiration and motivation to help you attain those goals! Once you've made your board, place it in a spot where you can refer to it often. Jelica has a great tutorial of how to make a beautiful vision board! To complete this craft you will need a framed cork board, magazine clippings, craft paper, pins, spray paint, glue, and scissors. To create a clear vision, Jelica recommends writing down a list of your very specific goals before you begin.
What are some of your goals for 2019? We hope to learn at least one new crafting skill this year! Maybe its time we tackle embroidery with this DIY Embroidery Kit sold on our website and in store. We look forward to much more crafting with you in 2019!
We would love to see your take on this craft! Tag us on social media with the handles below and #makesomethingsunday and we’ll send you a code for $5 off at the shop (one per person)! Happy crafting and don’t forget to come back next Sunday for our next craft or sign up for our Make Something Sundays email list and we’ll send you an email every time we post a new craft!
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