More on makers: DittoHouse

More on makers: DittoHouse

ditthouse_topModern, playful, and inviting are three of the many glowing adjectives we could use to describe Ohio-based textile artist Molly Fitzpatrick of Dittohouse – not to mention her blankets and pillows – but it’s her commitment to eco-friendly materials and practices that really won us over. As Molly puts it, “It is important that while we enhance our happy house, we don’t hurt our happy earth.” Cheers to that! Read on for a Q&A with the maker:

What do you turn to for inspiration in your designs?
I am endlessly inspired by the pioneers of the OpArt movement. I love how simple shapes and colors when carefully arranged can dance! I am also a major textile enthusiast – I love everything about textiles and the entire process, from design to manufacture, to experience and use of textiles, either in the home, on the body, or in a fine art setting. Everything about textiles inspires me greatly. I love to see similarities between textile patterns around the world and throughout history – I just love textiles!

pillowblanket_blogFrom concept to creation, how do your blankets and pillows come to life?
I often start with an inspiration board of colors I love, cute graphics, and interesting fashion editorials – from this, I start drawing. I like to work in the very low resolution format that the blankets will be knit in – it is important to me that my blankets are designed in the format that they will be manufactured rather than a watered-down version of my vision. I edit the design pixel by pixel until it is perfect to me, since every pixel represents a stitch of yarn. I usually set a color palette that makes the design come alive, and work with the palette for the entire collection.

We’re feeling an 80’s vibe in your latest designs. Tell us a bit more about the new line…
My newest collection “For You and Me” is inspired by the work and philosophy of Anni Albers, Julian Stanczak, Ray and Charles Eames, and Ellsworth Kelly. The spirit of fun and energy in my collection has been inspired by the commitment of these great designers to visual engagement and their invitation to experience color, shape, and pattern.

dittohouse_quote5Along with Ditto House, you also have a textile design company DittoRepeats. What’s the most creatively challenging project you’ve tackled?
I license my textile designs to CB2, which is always a fun and inspiring design challenge sine I don’t necessarily know which product my design will end up on. It is always a good exercise in editing and simplifying – something I can always use extra practice in! I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a great company.

We love that your products are made using sustainable and eco-friendly materials – and in the USA, no less! Can you tell us more about what makes your products so “green” and why it’s important to you?
Thanks! As I mentioned before, I am crazy about textiles, but unfortunately modern textile production can create unbelievable amounts of waste. I learned about recycled cotton yarn and had to work with it! The yarn is made from cotton materials that would’ve otherwise ended up in a landfill that is expertly sorted by color, re-fiberized, and spun into new yarns! I am thrilled that I can work with such an innovative material working with a small, family-run mill in the USA.


dittohouse-ss16-53Warm and cozy seems to be synonymous with DittoHouse products. What’s your favorite fall/winter dish to make that embodies the same feeling?
I love chicken pot pie! It is something I make all the time, and I always try to make two or three when I do to fill my freezer for the winter, since I’m expecting my second baby soon and won’t have too much time for cooking!

Thanks so much, Molly!
Pillows and blankets from the new collection are in stock now at Neighborly! 


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